Daily Note: Enhancing Tactile Interaction on Touchscreen Devices

These notes are a summary of concepts presented in “Interactiles: 3D Printed Tactile Interfaces to Enhance Mobile Touchscreen Accessibility.”

Xiaoyi Zhang, Tracy Tran, Yuqian Sun, Ian Culhane, Shobhit Jain, James Fogarty, and Jennifer Mankoff. 2018. Interactiles: 3D Printed Tactile Interfaces … Read the rest “Daily Note: Enhancing Tactile Interaction on Touchscreen Devices”

Daily Note: Interactive Tangible Objects and Capacitive Touchscreens

These notes are a summary of concepts presented in “Itsy-Bits: Fabrication and Recognition of 3D-Printed Tangibles with Small Footprints on Capacitive Touchscreens.”

Martin Schmitz, Florian Müller, Max Mühlhäuser, Jan Riemann, and Huy Viet Viet Le. 2021. Itsy-Bits: Fabrication and Recognition … Read the rest “Daily Note: Interactive Tangible Objects and Capacitive Touchscreens”

Daily Note: Accelerometer-Based Controls and 3D Printing

These notes are a summary of concepts presented in “Making 3D printed objects interactive using wireless accelerometers.”

Jonathan Hook, Thomas Nappey, Steve Hodges, Peter Wright, and Patrick Olivier. 2014. Making 3D printed objects interactive using wireless accelerometers. In CHI ’14 … Read the rest “Daily Note: Accelerometer-Based Controls and 3D Printing”

Daily Note: Objects as Human-Computer Interfaces

These notes are a summary of concepts presented in “Digital Oxymorons: From Ordinary to Expressive Objects Using Tiny Wireless IMUs.”

Andreas Schlegel and Cedric Honnet. 2017. Digital Oxymorons: From Ordinary to Expressive Objects Using Tiny Wireless IMUs. In Proceedings of … Read the rest “Daily Note: Objects as Human-Computer Interfaces”

Daily Note: Flexible and Reconfigurable Robotics

These notes are a summary of concepts presented in “Reconfigurable physical agents.”

Masahiro Fujita, Hiroaki Kitano, and Koji Kageyama. 1998. Reconfigurable physical agents. In Proceedings of the second international conference on Autonomous agents (AGENTS ’98). Association for Computing Machinery, New … Read the rest “Daily Note: Flexible and Reconfigurable Robotics”

Daily Note: Motion-Based Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Systems

These notes are a summary of concepts presented in “Nonverbal Communication through Expressive Objects.”

Stephanie Valencia, Mark Steidl, Michael L. Rivera, Cynthia L. Bennett, Jeffrey P. Bigham, and Henny Admoni. 2023. Nonverbal Communication through Expressive Objects. Commun. ACM 67, 1 … Read the rest “Daily Note: Motion-Based Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Systems”