Compilation of Digital Fabrication Research

This collection of projects focuses on a wide range of digital fabrication techniques, including FDM 3D printing with multiple filament types; robotic fabrication using various end effectors such as light bars, extruders, and carvers; laser cutting in various materials; and vacuum forming.

These projects include both self-directed work and coursework from the Master of Architecture program at the University of Michigan

FDM 3D printing


Blended filament

Flexible filaments

Robotic Fabrication

Spline path LED end effector

Clay extrusion

The above image, courtesy of Mark Meier, illustrates the mechanisms used for the project.

The above image, courtesy of Mark Meier, illustrates the Grasshopper script used for the project.

Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons, has a surface crisscrossed by multiple sets of ridges. Image source from NASA/JPL/ASU

Laser cutting


Bristol Board

Chip Board

Vacuum Forming