These notes are a summary of concepts presented in “Incremental Acquisition and Reuse of Multimodal Affective Behaviors in a Conversational Agent.”
Maike Paetzel, James Kennedy, Ginevra Castellano, and Jill Fain Lehman. 2018. Incremental Acquisition and Reuse of Multimodal Affective Behaviors in a Conversational Agent. In 6th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI ’18), December 15–18, 2018, Southampton, United Kingdom. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 9 pages.
- Affect and Behavior
- Availability of content and behaviors for various affect states
- Predict perceived affective state based on behavior
- Russell Affect Model
- Framework for understanding and categorizing affective states
- Challenges in Conversational Design
- Corpus creation for multimodal behaviors
- Need for diverse content supporting affect-driven narratives
- Ensuring choice in conversational turns for any affective state
- Inconsistencies in agent personality
- Inter-dialogue inconsistencies due to lack of personality markers
- Intra-dialogue inconsistencies from affect changes across turns
- Limited history for crowd workers leading to inconsistent affect development
- Data-driven approaches
- Reliance on corpora (authored sentences or stochastic models)
- Occasional inconsistencies in real interactions
- Signaling Affect
- Integration of conversational content, non-linguistic utterances, and full-body behaviors
- Crowdsourcing affective behavior (video, written content, affective labeling)
- Corpus creation for multimodal behaviors
- Strategies for Affect-Driven Narratives
- Dialogue authoring and editing
- Creating diverse affective states and intensities
- Content reuse
- Reuse lines from similar situations while adhering to affective constraints
- Prediction and modeling
- Reuse content across personalities while predicting perceived affect
- Dialogue authoring and editing
- Multimodal Delivery
- Broadening affect intensity via voice tone and gestures
- Reducing corpus size by strategically enriching multimodal behaviors
- Predicting perceived affect for re-situated content
- Crowdsourcing
- Crowd workers struggle with unfamiliar contexts and target affect constraints
- Affect-driven narratives produce broader affect spectrums
- Implementation
- Reusing lines and multimodal enrichment reduces corpus size
- Predicting infrequent “affective flips” is a challenge
- Rare flips can disrupt perceived intelligence and agency
- Class imbalance hinders precision in predicting flipped or rejected lines
- Semi-Situated vs. Fully-Situated Perception
- Differences in online and face-to-face affect perception
- Importance of social presence over physical presence