Daily Note: Cross-Reality

These notes are a summary of concepts presented in “Guest Editors’ Introduction: Cross-Reality Environments.”

J. A. Landay and J. A. Paradiso, “Guest Editors’ Introduction: Cross-Reality Environments” in IEEE Pervasive Computing, vol. 8, no. 03, pp. 14-15, July-September 2009, doi: 10.1109/MPRV.2009.47.

  1. Emergence of a Seamless Electronic Nervous System
    • Independent sensor/actuator networks converging through common standards
    • Global electronic “nervous system” spans across places, things, and people
  2. Rise of 3D Virtual Environments
    • Decades of 3D virtual environments now experiencing rapid deployment
    • Growth driven by massively shared online virtual worlds
  3. Ubiquitous Mixed Reality Environment: Cross-Reality
    • Fusion of sensor networks and virtual environments creating cross-reality
    • Redefines presence, extending human perception and interaction
  4. Key Features of Cross-Reality
    • Seamless conduits to virtuality
      • Interfaces are pervasive and not limited to wearable/mobile devices
    • Social and data-populated virtual spaces
      • Virtual environments feature human-driven avatars, sensor data, and interaction
    • Scalable virtuality
      • Experiences range from ambient displays to full immersion, adaptable to various devices